
Vídeo 33 de 37

Formação de Estrelas

Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 22b Observing disks (cont.)

por Jane Cristina Gregorio Hetem

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Last video of Lecture 22. Historical background. Infrared and millimeter emission. Flat irradiated disks. Disk heating and structure: flared disks. Transitional disks. Proplyds


AGA5741-7 Formação de Estrelas


(1) Estrutura hierárquica do meio interestelar e formação de estrelas.
(2) Propriedades das nuvens moleculares.
(3) Condições iniciais para a fragmentação de nuvens moleculares.
(4) Modelos de colapso protoestelar.
(5) Procura observacional por protoestrelas: Distribuição espectral de energia; Evolução de protoestrelas.
(6) Estrelas pré-sequência principal; Aglomerados estelares; Função de Massa Inicial.
(7) Discos protoplanetários; Fluxos moleculares e jatos; Evolução do disco.


O curso fornece uma introdução à formação de estrelas focada na pré-sequência principal (estrelas de baixa massa e de massa intermediária). Os tópicos começam na escala galáctica, diminuindo até as escalas de estrelas individuais e seus discos.

Índice de vídeos da disciplina

  1. Star Formation (part II) - Introduction
  2. AGA5741 - Lecture 01 Historical overview
  3. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 13a Circumstellar material and Young Stellar Objects
  4. AGA5741 - Lecture 02 – The Interstellar Medium
  5. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 13b Circumstellar material and Young Stellar Objects (cont.)
  6. AGA5741 - Lecture 03 – Molecular Clouds
  7. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 14a Spectral Classification: the evolutionary status of YSOs
  8. AGA5741 - Lecture 04 – Molecular Clouds
  9. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 14b Spectral Classification: the evolutionary status of YSOs (cont.)
  10. AGA5741 - Lecture 05 – Molecular Clouds
  11. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 15a Pre-main Sequence Evolution tracks
  12. AGA5741 - Lecture 06 – Molecular Clouds Cores
  13. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 15b Pre-main Sequence Evolution tracks (cont.)
  14. AGA5741 - Lecture 07 – Molecular Clouds Stability
  15. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 16a Observable Evolution of Protostars
  16. AGA5741 - Lecture 08 – Models for Protostellar Collapse
  17. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 16b Observable Evolution of Protostars (cont.)
  18. AGA5741 - Lecture 09 – Core collapse and the effects of rotation
  19. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 17a Observing Young Stars: T Tauri
  20. AGA5741 - Lecture 10 – Accretion disks: theory
  21. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 17b Observing Young Stars: T Tauri (cont.)
  22. AGA5741 - Lecture 11 – Accretion disks models
  23. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 18a Stars near the end of star formation: FU Ori
  24. AGA5741 - Lecture 12 – Protostellar Jets
  25. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 18b Stars near the end of star formation: FU Ori (cont.)
  26. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 19a Stars near the end of star formation: Herbig Ae/Be
  27. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 19b Stars near the end of star formation: Herbig Ae/Be (cont.)
  28. Star Formation (part II) Lect. 20a Stellar clustering: observations
  29. Star Formation (part II) Lect. 21a The Initial Mass Function
  30. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 21b The Initial Mass Function (cont.)
  31. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 20b Stellar clustering: observations (cont.)
  32. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 22a Observing disks
  33. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 22b Observing disks (cont.)
  34. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 23a Observations of outflows
  35. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 23b Observations of outflows (cont.)
  36. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 24a Disk evolution: observations
  37. Star Formation (part II) – Lect. 24b Disk evolution: observations (cont.)
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